Saturday, November 3, 2012


Alright, you guys, moment of truth. I stepped on a scale this morning for the first time in a month. Let's just say, shit got real.

You know when you're doing something and you know there are going to be really sucky consequences, but then you keep doing it anyway because it's fun/tasty/amazing? And you know - YOU KNOW - it's going to catch up with you.

Those double cheeseburgers? 5,298 pieces of Halloween candy? A hefty piece of apple pie in Julian? Multiply that by about a month with my only working out being packing and chasing kids and now you get it.

So I stepped on the scale and I was like WHHHYYYY??!?? But, I know why.

I'm forgoing bacon today. BACON, PEOPLE. Because 4 pounds in six weeks is not okay. Mama isn't going to walk around in a fat suit for bacon.

I'm eating oatmeal with fruit. I don't love it but I sure do love skinny jeans.

Encourage me, people. What are you doing today to be healthy?
Working out? Yummy recipes? 
Show me, show me!


  1. I have been going to weight watchers and it was working SO well. Lost 11 lbs in like 2 weeks! Yay!! Then my husband had to work and I had to miss my meetings for a few weeks in a row. I worked up the courage and went back this morning after missing 3 weeks. I knew I had gained some back and I did (5 lbs) but I was not going to allow myself to get discouraged. I refuse to be old a fat. And trust me, after being pregnant for 5 yrs in a row I have some mega work to do! Feeling your pain... or should I say my poor feet feel it!

  2. It stinks, doesn't it?? I love WW though, I think it is hands down the most realistic way to diet because its a lifestyle change! I'm refusing to get disappointed or discouraged or discouraged. Today is another day and I'm making the choice to get back on track today. Go us!

  3. Ah yes, it creeps up on ya doesn't it!? I decided to hit it hard starting about two weeks ago. I chose to significantly decrease my carb intake. The only carbs I've really been eating come from vegetables (thank goodness I love me some steamed broccoli, cabbage, and salads). I know a lot of it was water weight, but the number on the scale decreased by 8 pounds in 2 weeks. I eat a lot of lean protein (chicken, fish, nuts, seeds) and a fair share of eggs (almost every morning for breakfast). I don't know if that route is somewhere you want to go, but thought I'd throw it out there. In a nutshell, getting rid of processed foods seems to be the way to go for me.
    Oh, and exercise....yeah, I need to get on that! ha

    Best wishes to you...It's going to be hard to do with all the holidays upon us but there's no better time to start than today!

  4. Good for you! I've been having salad for lunch....I put in all my favorite stuff..mushrooms, avocado, walnuts, craisins and homemade lite dressing and so far, I'm loving it!

  5. There is no perfect formula for weight-loss that works for everyone. But here's what been good for me:

    - Weight Watchers. Or anything that makes me document what I'm eating and try to find balance.

    - Water. Lots of it.

    - Being active. I wear a Fitbit and try to get close to 10K steps everyday. I also try to do a serious workout (30+ minutes) at least four times a week.

    - Sleep. I know it's hard with kiddos, but getting a good night's sleep is so important.

    Good luck. You can do it!


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