Friday, February 8, 2013

The skinny on my health goals

Today is kind of a big day for me because it marks one month since I started the exercise program Crossfit. You might be thinking, seriously? What's the big deal?

Here's the big deal: since graduating college, I have not stayed committed this long to anything exercise related. Don't get me wrong, I've joined several gyms, done a few classes here or there, but have never stayed committed enough to go 3-4 times a week, EVERY week.

I've fallen in love! As I type, my hands are burning from calluses and I'm extremely sore from the last few days' workouts but it's completely worth it. I'm not going to lie, I feel like such a badass when I do power cleans or front squats.

As far as eating goes, well, I've completely revamped my diet. There have definitely been some slip-ups and cheat meals, but for the most part I have been eating a clean and "choosy" paleo diet since I started working out. I consider myself "choosy" because I still eat Greek yogurt, cheese, Ezekiel bread and quinoa, though I've pretty much cut out any other processed grains and dairy (including my daily coffee creamer, whaaaat!).

Interestingly, yesterday I decided to make regular, non-modified chicken carbonara for Adrian as a treat and as soon as I ate the pasta, my stomach started cramping in pain. Removing certain foods from my diet has made my stomach much more sensitive to the gluten, wheat and other junk that went into the pasta! I woke up with puffy, swollen hands again, something I used to suffer from regularly before I started my clean eating journey. Needless to say, I will be much more careful now to avoid processed grains when I can.

At some point I would like to fully move my husband and kids over to an unprocessed, low grain diet but that time isn't right now. However, with Jonas' asthma issues, I think that he would majorly benefit from reducing gluten and I am trying to cut things out systematically to see if they affect his regular symptoms. I want my kids to see me being healthy so that they will want to be healthy. I want them to see me making good food choices so that they will make good food choices. It's all about leading by example!

So, the long of the short of it is that I've lost 7 pounds in the last month, quite a bit of inches (I need to measure!) and gained so much energy. I am so happy about where I'm at in terms of my health and am so motivated to continue! This is new to me, this motivation for change. I don't know where it's coming from but I'm seeing results and hope to never regress!

How are you doing on your health goals, if you have them? In what areas are you seeing results and in what areas could you improve?


  1. I'm glad you found a routine that you love!! It sounds like you're doing great.

    Thanks for linking up!

  2. I've been really wanting to try cross fit sometime.


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