Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The power of words

I finally have a computer cord again. I have had a million different post ideas and have been wanting to write all week but it's just not as easy on the iPad...anyway.

I had the nicest thing happen to me today. It was a reminder of the power a simple compliment and how it can literally turn your day around. Really it was a God thing I think. That funny man, He sure works in mysterious ways and brings people in and out at the perfect time.

This week has been rough. I was lacking patience with the boys, got frustrated very easily, Jonas has been getting his back molars and I had a bad allergy attack yesterday that left my head out of sorts. I'm sure you can imagine the kind of week I'm talking about.

So this morning, randomly and completely out of the blue, I received a Facebook message from an old friend. I haven't seen this friend in years - I knew her well in high school and we talk every great now and again. In the message she complimented me on my parenting abilities, encouraged me and thanked me for being a great example for others.

I'm not kidding, I cried like a little girl. It was just what I needed to hear in the midst of such a tough week because you know what, being a mom is HARD WORK. And to make things worse, I think we are the hardest on our own selves, you know? Needless to say,

The point of this story is if you have been struggling in something, I want to encourage and uplift you. You are doing a GREAT job! Keep going. And if you know of somebody who is having a hard time and have been thinking of saying something, do it.

You have no idea what your words will mean to them, trust me.


  1. It's so easy to say something nice (and to stop yourself from saying something mean!)..I wonder why more people don't try it!!
    Hope things are better now!

  2. I really need this advice and I really appreciate your words. I think I’ll share this with some of my friends who will need this lot.


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