Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012: A year in review

As we enter 2013, I can't help but feel mildly nostalgic about all of the things that happened in 2012 - the good, the bad, the sad, the happy.

So many great memories. So much to be thankful for.

In January, my sweet, beautiful little Jonas was born. It's hard to believe it has been almost an entire year, the emotions from those first few days are so vivid in my memory still!

In February, we re-did Gabriel's room into a "big boy" room in preparation for his third birthday in March. I also talked about the baby blues and basically how much they sucked. We had a snow day at my parents' house in March.

In April, I finally started doing a little bit of work from home, which has helped give me back a little of my sanity! We also visited Salvation Mountain, which is always a really cool thing. We somehow managed to get rid of my car and buy a new-to-us Chevy Tahoe - such a blessing to not have any car payments! And finally, we took Jonas on his first vacation and spent a week on the beach in Mexico!
In May, we sent Gabriel to preschool for the first time. It was gut-wrenchingly painful in the beginning, but now he has grown to love it and has made some very close friends! I also wrote a popular article about breastfeeding and how much I just don't get people. At all.

I turned 26 in June. I know this doesn't seem like a big deal, but it is! It is, people! I'm 26...ahhhhhhh! We also checked off a bunch of stuff on a summer fun to-do list. It was mildly successful...we didn't do everything but hopefully next summer, we'll check the rest off!

We celebrated the Fourth of July camping at Silverstrand, which was amazing minus the fact that Jonas of course started getting his very first teeth! It just figures, right? It was still amazing.

In August, we went to the races at Del Mar, visited with lots of friends and finally made some new ones in El Centro! I also left the kids with Adrian for the first time to go to Napa Valley with girlfriends. It was much-needed time away but umm...extremely nerve-wracking. 

Adrian was in our good friends' wedding in September and we had such a blast dancing the night away...and then boom. Jonas' first hospitalization. It was extremely hard and frustrating and our first experience with asthma. Oh yeah, also in September we got invited to Chicago so Steve Harvey could make fun of the fact that my husband is a mama's boy. We didn't go, but it's still a funny story!

At the beginning of October, two of our very best friends tied the knot. They actually met because of myself and Adrian! We were both in the wedding and it was the funnest wedding I've ever been a part of.

Towards the end of October, we moved and I got to meet Kelle Hampton. One was awesome and one was not - I'm sure you can take a guess on which was which. We also took our annual trip to Julian. This is the fourth year we have gone! Halloween was also hysterical...

In November, we started doing some work to the house. You can see that here and here. There is still SO much to do. I also talked about why I chose to have a natural childbirth the second time around, even though it wasn't what I choose with my first birth. 

And then Christmas...


So now here we are, on the day of the new beginning, the new year. I have a list of things we will be working on (I don't believe in resolutions!) and in the upcoming days, I'm going to share some of those with you.

Happy New Year!

The boys (monsters)


  1. What a great post! :) Thanks for giving me your blog address - I can't wait to follow along! :)

    Blog: http://therushfamily.blogspot.com
    Instagram: countingblessingsbre


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