Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving has come and gone

I've been too tired/lazy to put together a Thanksgiving post, but alas, it's finally here. Aside from my feet feeling like they were going to fall off after 20 hours in the kitchen on Wednesday/Thursday, it was an awesome, successful day. In fact, it was a little emotional for me (granted, everything is emotional for me right now) because it was the first time we have hosted my extended family at our house. There were about 22 people who came and to say we had too much food would be an understatement. We even forgot to serve several dishes because they got lost in the mess on one of my counters and we still had sooo many leftovers. As in, 20 pounds of leftovers. In my refrigerator. Not including dessert. Thankfully, my parents are awesome and didn't leave that night until we had sufficiently cleaned the kitchen and the boys put away all of the tables.

On Friday, I started pulling out my Christmas decorations, but I'm only about halfway done because we just had a lazy, lay-on-your-butt sort of weekend. Not to mention my obsession with the book I'm reading right now, Pillars of the Earth. In the last 48 hours, I've blown through about 400 pages and I still have maybe 200 or so pages left. I cannot wait to finish!

Anyway, here are some of my fave pictures plus some of the crafty things my sister and I worked on leading up to the big day!

For some reason my dad wanted to channel my brother in all of his military pictures. Stay classy, dad.

How cute are my parents??

For some reason it was a belly touching day...maybe because I'm HUGE now.

How was your guys' Thanksgiving??


  1. aww everything is so cute and looks like everyone was having a great time!! i mi yoooo


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