Sunday, January 30, 2011

When in doubt, brag about your child

There hasn't been anything extremely exciting going on in our world aside from massive amounts of work, school and being extremely busy with our baby. Unfortunately, a combination of exhaustion and stress leaves me lacking creativity in composing interesting and thought provoking posts. Instead, I just thought I'd talk about Baby Gabe and how awesome he is.

He is currently saying so many words, there is no way to keep track.

He speaks in full sentences.

Right now he is obsessed with the books Hungry Little Caterpillar and Elmo Goes Potty - we read them about thirty times a day.

He is utterly obsessed with fruit snacks.

When he goes to bed every night, we say a prayer and he finishes it by saying "Amen!" Then he puts Elmo and his monkey to sleep next to him with a blankie. 

Thankfully, his favorite movie has switched from Monsters, Inc. to Despicable Me.

In one month from Tuesday, he will be turning 2; I still have no idea what we are going to do for a party, though I think we're leaning towards having it at our house.

Lately, he has been telling other people "I love mommy and daddy," and that just about bursts my heart wide open every single time I hear it.

We tried to put him in a big boy bed for one night, but he wasn't ready; he feel asleep and lasted until about 4am, but then slept in our bed. We're going to wait a little while to try again.

He went all day recently without a diaper! Granted, he went potty in his diaper as soon as we put it on, so he's still not ready to go on the potty yet.


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