Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Year's Goals - 2011

I love the idea that the new year gives everyone the opportunity to change. There is no clean slate or fresh start, but I personally like to reflect over the prior year and see what things I can do differently. I don't particularly like to use the term "resolution" because I think resolving to do something is so permanent. If I resolve to lose weight with the new year and then get pregnant, that's obviously a null resolution. But if my goal is to get healthier, then no matter when I start or if I gain or lose, I'm still moving towards that goal.

-Finish what I started this April (vague, yes, but many of you know what I'm referring to)
-Get rid of our credit card debt by December 31st, 2011
-Start a savings, no matter how modest it is
-Host Thanksgiving at my house with our entire family
-Get healthier by eating foods that are good for my body and exercising
-Buy a treadmill and use it
-Stop drinking soda
-Paint the outside of our house
-Try to start growing another human being
-Plan a creative and fun party for Gabriel's 2nd birthday at Lions, Tigers, and Bears
-Stop using plastic bags in all forms - zip locks, grocery bags, etc.

What are your goals for the year?


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