Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Kids say (and do) the darndest things, pt. 3 - Boys are so weird

I have commented on my kids and how they do some silly stuff and some funny stuff. But today, oh boy. Kids are weird. Boys are weirder. I am girl and I don't get boys.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I have boys because I think if I had girls, I would have to keep them locked up in their room until they were at least 25. I remember what I did as a teenager and I was one of the good ones...

Anyway, today. I am doing the dishes and the boys are playing outside. Generally they play pretty well together so I was minding my own business. I happened to look up for some reason...it was awfully quiet out there.

Gabriel was peeing on Jonas.


"But Moooom, it was an accident!!!! I didn't mean to!!"


Um, yes he did. He was practically following him around. I thought to myself, okay, maybe he didn't mean to, it's probably just a little dribble. There's an explanation, right? I walk over to Jonas AND HIS SHIRT AND PANTS ARE SOAKED.

I quickly sent Gabriel to his room and through gritted teeth like only a mom can do said, "You. Are. So. Busted. Getinyourroomnowwwwww." You can bet I called Adrian, too.

All I have to say is boys are so weird. I won't even try to understand them.


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