Friday, April 5, 2013

On not giving up

I'm having a hard time transferring scrambled thoughts into words on a computer screen and I think the reason is because I'm trying to write about things I think you guys want to read versus what I'm actually thinking about on a regular basis.

I have pending posts on wanting more kids, silly things that have happened and some other random stuff, but I don't feel like writing about it so they basically suck. So today I'm just going to talk about what I want to, obnoxious or not. I don't want to get sick of blogging (like I have been) and end up giving it up because I'm not writing for ME.


So here is the real me, at least for today.

Seriously, how much happier do I look today?
The picture on the left was taken 3.5 years ago. I was fat, depressed, and spent the entire morning crying because I had NOTHING to wear to my son's baptism. I settled for this outfit and seriously. Awful. I think I had a gym membership at the time but went all of 10 times? The picture on the left - Easter on Sunday. Happy, fit(ter), feeling great.

It is going to sound silly, maybe a little ridiculous and overly dramatic, but Crossfit has dramatically changed my outlook on a lot of things - mainly, myself. I've always given up at the gym; I'm that girl who gets a membership, goes three times a week for two, maybe three weeks and then all of a sudden...I vanish.

Does that sound familiar? I've paid so much money in gym memberships, it's plain ridiculous. That time I mentioned earlier, I got a gym membership at LA Fitness and used it 10 times, stopped going and continued paying for over a year. I have never felt strong, never felt like I was moving towards a goal, except maybe weight loss, but it never went very far.

When I started Crossfit, I didn't have high expectations, only a hope and a prayer that I could stay long enough to lose a few pounds. I was instantly hooked. I'm competitive by nature and the sport fuels me every time I step into the box.

Previously, if I went to the gym and felt unmotivated, it would affect my ability to get back to the gym for a workout. I felt bad about myself, powerless, weak. I gave up at the slightest challenge. Now, I get frustrated and pissed and motivated to get back in the gym to be better. To do better.

Last night I competed in the last week of the Crossfit Open - now, I'm in no way competing at the competitive level. At our box, each of the three levels (Level III being the highest) has an in-house competition. Up until this week, I was in sixth place out of 20 or 25 women - something I felt pretty good about. But last night...damn it. I could NOT do a chest-to-bar to save my life, even the mod (which was allowed at our level), I would come extremely close but just. couldn't. get. it.

Because of this, I was only given 15 reps out of the total 60+ that I completed. The frustrating part about it is that I saw other women at my level being awarded reps that were illegal (here comes the competitiveness...I'm a sore loser) so I know I'll be dropping down in rank. The old me might not have tried after realizing she couldn't do a C2B. She might have given up. She probably would not have made it a goal to be able to do a C2B.

The new me sets goals. on double unders and toes-to-bar (and now chest-to-bar) after every WOD.

...has a fire lit under her ass to get better.

...wants to get stronger, not skinnier, although leaning out is an enjoyable byproduct.

...enjoys the soreness that comes after a good workout.

...can do a handstand and six consecutive real push-ups.

I love this gift that I've been given and how it has been transforming me not only physically, but mentally as well.

How do you stay motivated? What lights your fire?


  1. Everything about the blogging sounds JUST like me. I've been having a hard time keeping up lately, and am just feeling a little bogged down and tired of it.

    And go girl! You can do it! And you've made so much awesome progress! I always like the thought of toning up and losing some weight-- but I'm never really motivated to do it.

  2. It must be bloggin rut season! I to struggle to keep it real and fun and not boring! I love the idea of crossfit. Never have I done it, but it sounds like a perfect challenge for this mama body!

  3. You look great and I love that dress! Good job mama!

  4. You look amazing! So happy for you! Keep at it, girl!

  5. Get it girl!! I'm right there with you on the crossfit. I'm not a Paleo nut or anything, but doing my little crossfit thing a couple times a week completely motivates me. I like the fact that its different from anything else I've ever done, and each day is completely different as well.

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  7. Look at your butt! You look fantastic!


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