Sunday, April 14, 2013

Why we aren't planning for another baby...yet

There's a funny thing that happens when your youngest turns one. All of a sudden, everyone starts asking

Are we? Aren't we?

Why? Why not? When? How?

Anytime I'm sick, someone always throws out the pregnant question, namely, my mother. Which is ironic because this is the woman who has always told me that two is a good number (she has four, go figure). She also happens to be the person who, upon hearing I was pregnant with my first, said, "Wow, I didn't think you would ever even want kids." Thaaaanks.

Neither Adrian nor I are sure certain that we see more babies in our future. He is one of seven children. Yes, you read that correctly. He's Mexican so that should kind of explain it. Before we had Jonas, sure we thought we wanted 3...4...but now? I'm lucky to get through a day without my head spinning in circles a la the Exorcist.

Don't get me wrong, whenever I see a little snuggly newborn my uterus starts to cramp up and I hear it taunting me. It's hard to resist the newborn smells and sleepy snuggles and all the good stuff that comes with bitty babies.

We started early when it comes to baby-making and most of our friends are just now beginning to consider starting a family. We are at the tail-end of this whirlwind called infancy, sidling timidly into toddlerhood, and are looking forward to some SLEEP.

I also really enjoy not needing as many diapers. Being able to run to the store and not having to carry in an enormous, 75,000lb baby carrier. Also, not breastfeeding anymore (loved it, glad it's over). Having the flexibility to drop the boys off at my mom's and not needing to stress for five days prior about how much milk I pumped.

Oh, the perks. The perks.

In all reality, we are at the point where we are seriously contemplating selling all of our baby items - you know, the millions of toys, chairs, diaper pails - the works. I work up the courage to collect it all and start evaluating them for pricing but there's one thing that stops me. I glance lovingly, sadly, at the piles of newborn/infant clothes in Jonas' closet and can't bear to part with them. Both of my babies have worn them and ahhh...wouldn't it be so sweet so have another sweet-smelling precious newborn?

And then Jonas poops on the floor and I think, "Nope, I'm good."

For those with kids, are you still planning for more or have you completed your family? Those without, how many feels right to you?


  1. I've got 2 girls and everyone and their daddy keeps asking when I'm gonna try for a boy. I tell them that I don't need another d&$k in my life. That usually shuts them up.
    Everyone always wants to tease about procreating. No big. You know what's best for you!
    You go girl!

  2. I here ya momma! The hundreds of newborn to 12 months clothes I have *neatly* stashed in labeled rubbermaid tubs taunts me too! Most of the clothes have been through all three boys and I can't bare to part with it just yet. One part of me says, "It's sentimental and I will absolutely NOT get rid of it, because what if we have another boy?" The other part says, "For the love of God, donate it to Good Will and maybe, just maybe the next one will be a girl!" Hubs and I want one more, but our youngest is 17 months old, so we won't be planning on another for at least a year and a half. :D

    Jessica at Boys Oh Boys

  3. We're expecting number 3, the last! But like you, we started early and everyone around us is just starting to get married and/or have kids. I was on the fence about having a third but my uterus got the better of me every time I saw a baby in the store or online or anywhere else. :-)

  4. We had our daughter a couple months ago and we went from definitely 2 to maybe just 1! I knew it would be hard but it's even harder than that so I'm not sure I want to do it all again.


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