Friday, January 27, 2012

making friends

I'm shy, it's true. You wouldn't know it if you're one of my friends because I'll talk your ear off, but when I'm in a new group I get major anxiety. Living in a new city has been tough because I don't really like to go out of my comfort zone, aka my house. In the past, I've signed up for moms' groups but never made an appearance because I was too scared to go by myself.

So, Gabriel and I have been going to a new park in Imperial that is much more popular than the one down the street that we used to frequent. When we got there this morning I thought maybe there was a birthday party going on because there was a little train driving all of the kids around. Of course Gabriel was obsessed with the train and begging to ride it from the second we got there, but I was hesitant at first to go over.

After playing for a while on all of the toys, we ended up just standing and watching the train go by. A lady came up to me laughing because her son was trying to run to the area where the train was going and started talking about the organization that had put on the party. After listening to her talk to me like I knew what she was talking about, I finally told her that I was new to the area and had no idea what the organization was. Turns out, it's a place to take kids 6 and under during the day for them to play and craft and do other fun stuff called My Family Treehouse. Apparently we were at the right place at the right time, because this is what I've been looking for!

She introduced herself and told me about a Kinder Music class and a Mommy and Me class in the area and invited me to join sometime. She said she goes to the Treehouse three days a week and if I had any other questions about the area or things to do, to give her a call.

I'm just so happy. I really want to get involved in the area with Gabriel, that's one of my goals for the year, and this is a great start!


  1. yay I'm glad! I love making random friends without trying :)


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