Thursday, January 5, 2012

The end is in sight (thank god!)

Before I start my post, I have to tell you...Gabriel is sitting on the toilet in the bathroom saying "ooooo, ooooo!"
I asked him what he was doing and said in a little attitude-y, duh-mom voice, "Mom, I'm an owl, ooooooo, oooooo!" Motherhood, I tell ya!

Speaking of motherhood, I'm about ready to get this duo show on the road here. As you would expect me to say, I feel huge, evidenced by my XXX (and no, I don't mean hardcore) body below.

Today I am 38 weeks, 2 days, 5 hours and 36 minutes...see what I mean about being over this whole thing?

I obsessively cleaned my entire house last week; we're talking nesting on steroids here. Unfortunately I'm pretty sure I peaked too soon because now everything I've cleaned has gotten dirty again. Shit.

At my last appointment, last Friday, I was 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced. I still absolutely love my new doctor and when Adrian met her he agreed that she was perfect for me. Very energetic, talkative, funny. Tomorrow I see her again and we're supposed to do a membrane sweep to see if that gets things going.

Luckily for me, she would prefer I go into labor before 40 weeks just because she knows how I feel about the medical induction talk and subsequently, the c-section conversation. So I've been walking, eating lots of pineapple, using nipple stimulation, bouncing on a yoga ball and - you know - in hopes that we'll meet our little  man/woman soon.

My body is being such a tease; yesterday for 24 hours I was having contractions every 8-9 minutes for 30-45 seconds and then I fell asleep last night. Hoped to be woken up with severe contractions. Woke up to nooooooooooothing.

So basically, if you love me, say a prayer, send positive vibes and think positive thoughts my way. Because I would love to be posting pics of my little snuggle buggle come Monday!


  1. postive vibes and prayers sent!!! love you! I can't wait to meet the little one either :)


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