Friday, June 18, 2010

Moving forward and moving out

I'll admit, I'm a little nervous. Tomorrow we start to function on our own again without the protective wings of our older, wiser family. We've done this before, I know we can do it again. But still, there's a little nervousness, anxiety if you will. When we were living in Ventura, we were throwing so many balls up in the area and hoping we'd be able to continue juggling them, however fast and messy it could become. We were wrong. Bills piled up, saved money dwindled down, and soon we Adrian was jobless. You know in movies when someone is falling down some huge gaping crevice in the ground and even after they're gone, you can still hear the echoing of the scream? That's a little how it feels. I know those days where we literally had nothing-not a cent to our name-are done and gone, the crying and the yelling and the stress is still a whisper in the back of my mind. I know we're fine. I know we're capable. We've gotten smarter with money and in life and yes, we learned a lot from it. However, I never, NEVER want to get back to that place again, where I wouldn't even look at phone calls before I would push "end" (bill collectors) and voicemails would pile up to 24 within days (more bill collectors). 

Anyway, enough. We are as ready as we'll ever be and prepared to take on the world.  We can't hide behind family and live with doubt anymore. I'm looking forward to a new beginning.



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