Thursday, June 3, 2010

Blog FAIL.

As you can see, I'm obviously not very good at following through my commitments, especially those of the blogging kind... It isn't that I don't want to blog every day or that I can't find the time/opportunity to; I'm a little shy when it comes to my writing and when my husband is laying next to me, peering over my shoulder, I just can't spit anything out. I may still follow that blog project a little because I think the topics are interesting and inspiring! My favorite blog-time is Saturday morning around 9am--Gabriel is asleep and the husby is sleeping in (I get Sundays, he takes Saturdays). It's peaceful, quiet, and I can sip on my coffee while coming up with something mildly creative to share.

Maybe I'll just use the excuse that we've been way too busy for me to squeeze in some blogging. We were in Camarillo last weekend checking up on our tenants/giving them the boot. Thank the high heavens we will no longer have to support their family. It'll be weird to start living with an extra chunk of money in our pockets! We still have to find tenants, but based on the response we received when we posted it, I don't think that will be a problem. We were lucky to spend some time with a few of Adrian's sisters and their families, swimming, dinner, relaxing and menudo...needless to say, I came back about 3lbs heavier! We decided to come back Sunday, enjoyed a leisurely drive, stopping at Pizza Port in San Clemente, and then hung out with my family on Monday. We laid by the pool, drank some champagne, and toasted my brother, Mikey, and the sacrifice he has made to serve our country. All in all, a very nice, albeit tiring, weekend.

We have a new "move-in" date; I like to think of this day as more of a fluid concept...with escrow, you never really know when you'll be done and we're waiting on someone else's escrow, making it even HARDER to be patient! Currently, we're slated to move in June 19th, the weekend of my sister's graduation party of course! This month and next are going to be so busy! We have my sister's graduation, the party, the Relay for Life (DONATE!!!!!!), a bbq/event with Adrian's work, a family reunion, a possible trip to Laughlin, my birthday, Father's Day, my brother and sister's birthdays...and the list goes on and on and on....

Lastly, Gabriel brings such energy and love to our lives. I was talking to my bff from college (who I miss more than words can express and love our convos every now and then) about how I never imagined what mushy-gushiness a child would create within me. In college, after thinking my love life was officially over, I lost most of my ability to have emotion. Crying was less than a rare occurrence. But now, I find myself tearing up over a smile, a thought, a dream, a giggle--essentially anything that reminds me of just how precious that little boy is to me. He is learning so many new things, and coincidentally learning many ways to act out. But of course, as a mother who believes (already!) her child can do no wrong, I accredit it to the two canines bursting savagely through his gums and the fact that just maybe he is having tummy issues. Regardless, his signing is improving as is his vocabulary. He's walking. He runs to his daddy after a long day away from him. He hates meat but loves fruits and veggies. he loves to chew on his blankies and abhors having his diaper changed. He is growing up so quickly, I just can't keep up!


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