Monday, November 14, 2011

Mama needs some sleep

My firstborn is seriously infringing on my quality of sleep, among other things. *ahem*

I'm convinced that this is the universe's way of paying me back for all of those times I smugly replied to anyone who told me their child was wreaking sleep-havoc with, "Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. Yes, Gabriel always sleeps in his bed and uh-huh, he's slept through the night since he was 6 months." Basically - sucks to be you, my child rocks it out at night.

Well, I TAKE IT ALL BACK. Gabriel is a little beast-child who has been refusing to sleep in his own bed since we moved. Sometimes he we cry it out for an hour at night and then I cave. Sometimes he'll do it because I've promised to give him all the things I swore I wouldn't give him in the morning i.e. soda, candy, chips, my soon-to-be-second-born if he'll pleasefortheloveofgodsleepinhisownbed. Occasionally he'll fall asleep in our bed and then Adrian will transplant him into his own, though that works less often now.

Our recent solution? Kid, if you're going to sleep in our room, you're sleeping on the floor. He has since set up shop on my side of the room with his blanket and pillow, now calling that his bed. When we ask him if he's planning to sleep in his own bed, he looks at us stupidly like, "Uh, duh, it's right here..." while pointing to his makeshift sleep station.

We have GOT to get this under control before baby Ayala makes the grand exit...

Lord help us!


  1. I have a cousin that still sleeps in her parents' floor and she's a junior in high school. I'm sure that will ease your worries a little... lol

  2. That's funny, I have a brother who does the same thing and he's a junior in high school, as well! Trust me Jess, knock down the walls now and make it one big "family" bedroom... much easier :)

  3. THought go you when this popped up in Yahoo! News this morning...



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