Thursday, September 23, 2010

I am lucky

Sometimes I have to remind myself that I am lucky. I am so lucky that I have a toddler who, at this moment, is in his play corner crashing and banging tons of noise-making toys.

I am so very lucky that I work for a company, aside from many quirks, gives Jewish holidays paid time off, even if I'm not Jewish.

I am so lucky, my husband is in El Centro, in the hot, hot heat, working so that we can have the life and house that we have. I'm a very lucky lady.

I have to remind myself this because there are days like last week where I was distracted and unsure. I kept thinking how urgent it is for me to figure out what I want to do, where I want to go, how I'm going to stay home with my baby...

I still think about those things, especially on days like today; I woke up at 7, opened Gabriel's door and heard him say "Mommy!" We ate together, he napped, I cleaned. Two days in a row, I've been able to make my husband dinner without rushing around.

I love days like today.

I am very lucky.


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