Monday, March 29, 2010

Watcher of...weight?

I was very unprepared, weight-wise, when I found out I was pregnant. I had already been packing on the pounds with a minor drinking habit and a major eating problem. Hey, I had just finished college and the celebration was still on, can you hardly blame me? Anyone who has had a baby knows that once you commit to getting pregnant, you're in for it. Your body as you know it is officially gone the minute that pee stick shows the little smiley face. 

People tell you: Don't worry, it's for the baby, take pride in your body for all that it's done, blah, blah, blah. I get it. However, that doesn't change the fact that every time I put on my pre-pregnancy jeans, I have a muffin top, or the fact that I have to wear spanks to even think about wearing a tight dress. I really did try, I wasn't one of those women who claimed they were eating for two so they took double helpings of pasta and brownies.  Okay, maybe I was a little bit like that, but I only gained 28 pounds so I did make a concerted effort to watch my weight and stay healthy. 

As the saying goes, "9 months to put it on, 9 months to take it off." Well, lets just say, my 9 months to take it off has turned into 13 months and counting. As I've mentioned, I've been trying to follow the guidelines for Weight Watchers. It's actually a great program that has helped me to change some pesky food behaviors that were keeping me from losing weight after having Gabriel. The problem is 1) staying committed long-term and 2) not playing catch-up every week by eating poorly after my Thursday night weigh-in and eating healthy as soon as Monday comes around. 

So here I am, stuck at 4 pounds above my pre-pregnancy weight and about 20 pounds above my goal weight. I'm committing myself to a month of sucking it up and just DOING IT. I'm sick of seeing the numbers continually staying the same, week after week. And of course, by default, my husband is stuck doing it with me, even if he doesn't know it yet.

Please, bid me good luck and for the love of all that is Holy, do not pass the chocolate this way.


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