Thursday, March 25, 2010

Intros and such

Before I go into who I am and all that jazz, I would like to put out a disclaimer: I am not a writer, nor do I claim to be. I wasn't an English major. Half the time, I don't even like writing. I'm not quirky or funny. It takes a lot of time and concentration to be a good writer, both of which I have little of. Not to mention, blogging is a lot of pressure! You are putting yourself out there into the great, global abyss that is the internet for those stumbling around to find and read. I'll be honest; I'm a creeper. You don't think I've read your blog, but I have. And I have judged it. Maybe I liked it, but you'll never know. I imagine that's how this blog will go and I'm fine with that. If you decide to comment, that's fine too.

Back to writing, I really do love it. It's an easy release and makes me feel good, so that's why I'm starting this blog. We'll see how long my motivation to write will last, as my motivation for new "hobbies" generally lasts 2 weeks and then is tucked away in my mental file with all the other "great" things I was going to start doing (which includes working out, clearly that one's tucked way in the back).

Anyway, about me: first and foremost, I'm a mother and wife. Obviously anyone who is reading this most likely knows me, and how much those two men mean to me. But don't be fooled, I am much, much more than just that: I am a sometimes "Weight-Watcher," a perpetual reader, a bit of a control-freak, a believer in peace, a novice chef and a beach frequenter. I dislike poor grammar and those who use it, as well as those who believe it is easier to write "k" instead of "okay" or "u" instead of "you."

My little family recently relocated in November to San Diego and are currently on the hunt for the "home of our dreams...," which essentially means we want a house with a yard and a decent kitchen for a good price. Apparently that is way too much to ask for in California, but that's worthy of a post all on it's own. I work for a foundation and on the surface, it has it's ups and downs, but deep down, it's a pretty great place to work and they treat me pretty well.

I may provide my recipes/suggestions, include a bit of my weight loss struggles/successes, and a complaint or two about society in general, but most likely I'll end up bragging about my chubby, handsome, bubbly little boy and my loving and thoughtful husband (who, by the way, made me a delicious weight watcher friendly meat loaf the other night).

If you can hang with that, we can hang.


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