Tuesday, March 12, 2013

I got a wild hair...

I got up this morning with the intention of getting my hair trimmed. I talked last week about my long hair and how it clogs up the drain every other second. It can be a pain but I just love it, especially when it's wavy because it makes me feel like I could flashback into the 60's with a flower in my hair.

I know I'm weird.

Long hair, don't care!
Anyway, I walked into the salon, sat down in the chair and said, "Look, I just need a trim. Nothing major."

"Sure," she said. "Let me just pull out my scissors and we'll get started."

"Well...wait a second. Alright. My husband loves short hair and I think I want it short. But not really short. Sort of short. Kind of long. You know, like right here?" As I gesture to a place around my nipple line (still, 2 inches...).

"Oh, you want short? What do you think about donating it to Locks of Love? That could be cool?" How did she know I'm a sucker for good causes?

My response, "YES. Let's do that. Chop it off, I'm thinking right below the ears?"

"Um...are you sure? You are not going to have any...regrets? You aren't scared? You just said you wanted two inches off."


And that's how it's done, folks. It took all of thirty seconds to undo the last year and a half of growing. I've had little pangs of regret, but mostly because I want to color it now and thinks it needs a little touching up on the cut. It was Mastercuts, after all. I wouldn't exactly consider them a real "salon," more like a walk-in hackshop.

I took my kids with me and they were ANGELS. I mean seriously, I kept thinking - who are these children and where did my monsters go? Gabriel read books on the iPad while Jonas stared lovingly (read: pick me up immediately, mom, can't you see I'm staring at you?) at me.

I love it. I'm going to have it shortened more because it seems a little long to me, plus accentuate the A-line a bit more. Can't decide on the bangs yet, but I'm thinking hair is going red, y'all.

Honestly, it felt so good to impulsively chop my hair off because this is something I would not have hesitated with in pre-kids. I enjoyed the spontaneity and my hub loves it! Now, I just need to get some wild color in there and then I'll feel great!

Would you chop off your hair randomly like I did? Or do you have an attachment to your locks? Do you like to mix it up or keep it the same?


  1. I've had shorter hair for as long as I can remember so cutting it shorter would not fair well for me. I do, however, love your new look. It's super cute, but also very sophisticated.

  2. OMG You look Amazing!! (The bangs suit you!) Like Danette said, it looks really sophisticated!! I used to be really good at dramatic cuts (Pixie cut extreme)but now i keep imagining where i'd find the time to style it!! Good on you for supporting an Awesome cause too!! Legend!

  3. Thats so funny how on the same page we were haha I wanted a short, but long for a bob A line cut too, but the difference is that I chickened out. I LOVED my hair in a bob but it took SO LONG to grow out (like 2.5 years) that I bailed on the idea and just got it trimmed lol. But even my trim ended up being like 4 inches off so now its in that in between length where it cant decide if its long or short lol So now that ive made this all about me, I'll tell you that I LOVE it, and once it has a more defined A-line and some color its gunna look amaaazzingg

  4. I love that you randomly chopped off your hair. That's def the Jess I remember! Also, it looks super cute. There is a mom out here that had a shorter hair cut but it was intentionally longer on one side than the other... maybe chin length on the left size then shoulder length on the right then it evened out towards the back. It's hard to describe but it was adoooorable and it reminded me of something that you might have had back in the day.


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