Sunday, March 1, 2015

A sixth birthday

When I found out I was pregnant with Gabriel, I hyperventilated on the toilet. I wasn't ready to be a mom and didn't think 9 months would make a difference. And then he arrived, and like almost every parent when they meet their firstborn, my breath was taken away.

Every day since then, he has taken my breath away. Sometimes it's from laughing my tush off at his funny jokes.

Other days it's because he is driving me crazy and I am yelling and begging and pleading with him to listen/focus/pickupthetoys/pleasestophittingyourbrother!!!

This child is sensitive and sweet. Fiery and energetic. Fair and honest and thinks that people should do the right thing. He's polite and a little bit crazy.

He is my boy.

He is six today and has taught me so much since that Sunday in 2009 when he made me a mom. He has taught me to overcome shyness. To speak up and speak out and to make friends because what is a world without people to share it with?

He is a fantastic and smart kid and I can't imagine a world with him.


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