Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I'll admit, I haven't really wanted to blog. There are so many exciting things going on that I a) didn't want to jinx them, and b) have not had time!

First and foremost, we have a house. Not an overpriced condo or a tiny apartment, a house! We had pretty much given up on the idea of getting a house and were literally writing out a check for a condo in North Park when Adrian's boss offered his 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom place in Santee. We were really hoping to move a little more west but I have to say, I'm pretty happy that we decided to stay closer to family. And we'll have a yard. And a washer/dryer. And a neighborhood! To say I'm counting down the days would be an understatement. I'm looking forward to having a place to really start our lives in, to have our son and maybe future children grow up in...Oh, and it's lease-to-own! We won't just be renting, we'll be owning shortly!

Secondly, we just got back from an incredibly relaxing and sunny vacation in Mexico. It was much needed and we were able to spend some quality time together. Unfortunately, Adrian got sick halfway through our second day, but I was able to get through two and a half books, something I haven't had the focus to do at home. We laid on the beach, drank a few cervezas, leisurely ate lunches and dinners in the small town, and read through a few magazines. It was great--but, I missed Gabriel a lot. I came back to a wild, cranky, crazy little boy. I think he's trying to tell me never to leave him again, or else he'll continue to lash out at me through horribly embarrassing temper tantrums. Regardless, it was worth it. I got a tan and enjoyed my husband.

Lastly, and still related to Gabriel, he is WALKING! And climbing and playing and giggling and talking and becoming such a little boy. I love this new stage, but it definitely makes me a little nostalgic for the past. Last week I flipped through a few of the pictures from when he was just a newborn and I couldn't help but think of those first few tough, emotional, exciting days. Days when waking at all hours of the night was normal. Days where naps were mandatory in order to be functional. Days where he would lay in my arms for hours and I would just stare at him all day long. I miss those days, but I look forward to the future with my sweet little child.


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